Grabar llamadas de whatsapp are very important most of the times of our life. Sometimes the call we make contains important information about our daily chores or evidence related to a legal dispute or investigation. We know that the recording sometimes can provide a clear view of what was said to be done and help to establish the facts of the case. If the call in general involves important discussions or decisions most of the time it may need to be referenced in the future use. So we can say that recording it can serve as a useful reference tool to ensure that nothing is forgotten or misunderstood.
If you are looking for the ultimate third party software or apps specifically designed for recording WhatsApp calls then iTop Screen Recorder have got your back. This tool comes equipped with built-in recording feature and many more.
How can you use iTop Screen Recorder:
1. Download and install the required system:
At first you have to download and install the iTop Screen Recorder tool in your personal computer. Then you have to launch the iTop Screen Recorder tool and click on “configure” to make your customized setting on this application. You can select the audio input source as “System Sound” to customize and disable the “Microphone” if it’s required, you can use the option to ensure that only the audio from the WhatsApp call is recorded.
2. Start and end the recording process:
At the next step you can open WhatsApp on your computer and start the call that you want to record. You just got to go back to iTop Screen Recorder and you have to click on the “REC” button in order to start the recording of your whatsapp calling interface screen and audio. During the call you just have to make it sure that the WhatsApp interface is still operational and visible and the audio is playing through the computer’s speakers. After ending the call with the person on the other side you just have to click on the “Stop” button in iTop Screen Recorder to end the recording.
Saving the recorded data on a safe place:
The last step is to save the recorded video file in the required space. You can find my creations on the iTop Screen Recorder interface, then go to audio and find your recorded calls. If the content of the call is very important, it is recommended that you save these recording files in a safe folder.
Whether it is a video call or a voice call, you can use iTop Screen Recorder to record, it can record calls with high quality without loss of quality. As a screen recorder specially designed for Windows, iTop Screen Recorder has all the functions of recording video, audio, camera, and editing video. You only need to install iTop Screen Recorder to solve almost all the needs for recording computer screens and audios.