Couch Pota is a 2018 Indian space comedy-drama Couch Pota film written and directed by Ajeet Khem. The film stars Sandeep D’Souza, Bobby Deol, Suniel Shetty, Vijay Sethupathi and Rani Tariq in lead roles. In the movie, Yves (Sandeep D’Souza) is a normal private school teacher who suddenly finds himself thrust into the limelight when a group of students use his office as their makeshiftHope Dome. With his career on the line if he doesn’t survive this ordeal, Yves will do everything in his power to steer clear of this school and its students forever.With an all-star cast including Bobby Deol, Suniel Shetty, Vijay Sethupathi, Rani Tariq and Sanjay Dutt – with songs penned by Vipin Chakraborty – Couch Pota is an hilarious romantic comedy that will have you dancing from start to finish. It will also leave you breathless at the end too!
What’s the Story?
In a project called ‘Hope Dome’, a high school in India, a group of students use their faculty office as a makeshift Hope Dome. With his career on the line if he doesn’t survive this ordeal, Yves (Sandeep D’Souza) will do everything in his power to steer clear of this school and its students forever. With an all-star cast including Bobby Deol, Suniel Shetty, Vijay Sethupathi, Rani Tariq and Sanjay Dutt – with songs penned by Vipin Chakraborty – Couch Pota is an hilarious romantic comedy that will have you dancing from start to finish. It will also leave you breathless at the end too!
Get Your Registration Code Here:
Before you watch Couch Pota, make sure you have your registration code. Unlike some romantic comedies, you won’t have to go to the trouble of getting your registration code via the internet. You can just print it out and laminate it and keep it in your office.
Make sure you have an active internet connection before watching Couch Pota:
You should always make sure you’re connectivity is up and running before watching any video. If you’re not sure how to start the process of connecting your device, check out these tips from How To Make Sure Your Internet Connection Is Up And Connected.
Should I Buy a Ticket?
If you’re interested in the film, you should definitely buy a ticket. We recommend the high-end box set, which includes all five episodes. It costs around $4000 for the set and six DVDs.
Get My Access Card Here:
If you’re charged with a minor act of vandalism, you should be able to get access to the school library. You can get your access card through the school website.
Final Words
Couch Pota is an upcoming Indian comedy-drama film written and directed by Ajeet Khem. The film stars Sandeep D’Souza, Bobby Deol, Suniel Shetty, Vijay Sethupathi and Rani Tariq in lead roles. It is an all-star production with a great mix of stars, directors and writers. You will definitely love it if you like epic romantic comedies, or you like a good party story.