If you’ve ever been in a situation where you feel that your rights as an employee have been violated, it’s important to consider speaking with an employment law attorney in Phoenix to get informed advice and representation.
Employment law involves a legal agreement between employers and employees to govern the relationship between them and covers complex issues ranging from hiring practices and termination procedures to overtime pay, discrimination claims, union representation, and more. In this blog post, we will be reviewing the key signs that show when you may need legal assistance from an experienced employment law attorney.
Warning Signs: WhenTo Hire An Employment Law Attorney
If you encounter any of the following issues in your workplace, it may be time to seek legal counsel from a knowledgeable employment law attorney.
1. Sexual Harassment
Sexual harassment is a form of discrimination prohibited under federal law. It is illegal for employers or co-workers to make unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature that creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment.
If you are the victim of sexual harassment at work, it’s important to speak up and report the incident immediately. An employment law attorney can advise you on how best to proceed with filing a complaint against your employer or culprit and ensure that your rights are protected throughout the process.
2. Employer Lacks Responsive To Your Needs
If you have reported any sort of abuse to the employer and they are not taking action, or you received abusive behavior from the employer itself, it may be time to seek legal assistance. An employment Law attorney can help you hold your employer accountable and get the justice you deserve.
3. Employer Discrimination
If you believe you have been the victim of discrimination by your employer, based on your race, color, religion, disability, etc., you need to file a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission or seek legal help. An attorney can help you navigate the complaint process and protect your rights simultaneously.
4. Whistleblower Actions
If you suspect that your employer is engaging in fraudulent or unlawful activities and you choose to report it, you may need the help of an employment law attorney. Whistleblowing laws exist at both the state and federal levels to protect workers who take action against their employers for illegal activities such as fraud, safety violations, and tax evasion.
An experienced attorney can provide advice on how best to report any wrongdoing without fear of retaliation from your employer.
5. Unpaid Overtime
Under federal labor law, all nonexempt employees must be paid overtime if they work more than 40 hours in a given week. Unfortunately, some employers attempt to skirt this requirement by not accurately tracking employee hours or failing to pay overtime wages when due.
If you feel like your employer is taking advantage of you in this way, contact an employment lawyer right away who can help ensure that you receive all wages due under the law.
6. Wrongful Termination
If you have been wrongfully terminated by the employer without prior notice, you may have a claim against your employer. Seek help from an employment law attorney to understand your rights and options, and fight for the compensation you deserve.
7. Refusal Of Reasonable Accommodations
Employers have an obligation under federal disability laws to provide reasonable accommodations for disabled workers who need them to perform their job duties effectively. This could include anything from providing modified equipment or assistive technology in the workplace to allowing extra break times for medical appointments related to their disability.
If your employer refuses to provide reasonable accommodations upon request despite being aware of your disability status and needs, contact an experienced attorney who will review your situation and determine whether there has been any violation of disability rights laws that require corrective action from your employer.
In today’s highly competitive job market, it’s more important than ever for employees to understand their rights under federal labor laws and take swift action if those rights are violated by their employers. So, if you have been mistreated at work, it may be time to seek legal help. This blog post has provided some signs of when it may be time to seek an experienced employment lawyer’s assistance. In addition to providing free legal advice, professional lawyers make sure to keep your identity and information confidential.