Whether you’re looking for an overview of a certain topic, or you’re preparing to start a new law practice, there are several resources available to you. From articles on legal realism to information on Inclusive legal positivism, these resources will help you understand more about a variety of legal issues.
Nolo Contendere
Generally, there are two choices for people facing criminal charges: pleading guilty or pleading nolo contendere. The former involves accepting the punishment without admitting guilt, while the latter requires a defendant to formally apologize. Often, pleading nolo is a better option than pleading guilty.
However, there are some things to consider before you decide. A nolo contendere plea can still result in a conviction, fines, and jail time. It may also increase your insurance premiums. It is best to discuss your options with your lawyer.
A nolo contest may not be as advantageous as pleading guilty, but it may be the best option for you. It allows you to avoid a lengthy trial and to get the case over with more quickly. It may also allow you to avoid the consequences of a guilty verdict in a civil suit, such as damages to property or injury to a person.
Inclusive legal positivism
Despite a long history, many lawyers find it uncomfortable to use the term “legal positivism” to describe their philosophy of law. The term refers to the idea that legal systems are constructed through certain social practices. Often these practices are not considered law.
Nevertheless, the concept is important for the philosophy of law. It also provides a useful explanation of the relationship between law and morality.
A popular misconception is that law and morality are separate. However, there are several important connections between them. These connections are important because they are necessary.
Specifically, the relationship between law and morality is essential to a constructive interpretation of settled law. While some people believe that law can fail to protect moral rights, that belief is not consistent with positivism.
Formalism vs legal realism
Despite its dubious apes and chimpanzees designation, formalist jurisprudence has a long history. It arose in the late 18th century, in part due to an increase in the professionalization of legal disciplines. In a nutshell, it’s a standardized model of law that emphasizes the empirical and systemic. The best part is, it’s not limited to the courtroom. In fact, it’s been spotted in other fields as well, such as finance.
Formalism’s biggest claim to fame is its ability to provide legal certainty by making the right legal decision at the right time. For instance, a recent study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, showed that judges who ruled in favor of lunchtime meals did so in line with actual mealtimes.
Accelerated Rehabilitation
Accellerated rehabilitation (AR) under the law is a program designed to give people charged with non-serious offenses a second chance to avoid conviction and avoid losing their driver’s license. It’s also a good way to save time and money.
A typical AR program is a mix of measures. It may include restitution, counseling, and community service. It may or may not require regular reporting to a probation officer. It may or may not involve paying a fee.
While there are no guarantees, the AR program is the best possible outcome in most cases. An experienced criminal defense lawyer can help an accused defendant obtain this benefit.
Space law
Until recently, space law was a patchwork of small statutes. This has been corrected with the passage of the Space Resource Exploration and Utilization Act in 2015. This act consolidates national space laws and provides a legal framework to govern the use of space.
In order to ensure that space law is effective, decision leaders need to avoid pushing their national agendas and prioritize the development of international space law. They also need to encourage greater transparency and promote stronger international dialogues.
Several countries are exploring space for scientific and commercial purposes. This is making space more competitive. In addition, the number of nontraditional players is increasing, requiring revised legal measures.
Tax law
Often referred to as revenue law, tax law covers rules, procedures and laws involved in the assessment and collection of taxes. These include indirect taxes, like sales tax, which are added to the cost of a product at the point of sale. Also, direct taxes are imposed against income, property and land.
Taxes are imposed on various activities, including transactions, sales, income, imports from foreign countries and more. They differ greatly in their bases and methods of collection. Some of the most common examples of taxes are municipal bonds, annuities and retirement plans.
In many countries, constitutional texts assert the legality of taxes. However, the concept of taxation was not widespread prior to the 19th century. Traditionally, governments derived revenue from nontax sources. Increasing financial needs of states led to their expansion of taxation powers.