Having an Lundentechcrunch account entails more than just your standard e-mail. This suite of Office software applications also allows for collaboration among coworkers. In addition to email, users can enjoy a variety of features including cloud storage, online office suites, gamification, and one drive for business. There is even a one-stop shop for UConn faculty and staff where they can access the University’s portals, databases, and e-mail accounts from one place.
Aside from email, users can access other Microsoft perks like One Drive for business, MS Teams, and Enterprise Messaging. The Microsoft Office 365 home premium entails a $99 a year subscription. The Office 365 portal also features desktop versions of the aforementioned Office applications. It is important to note that not all students and faculty members are eligible for Office 365 accounts. The university reserves the right to deny a student a Microsoft account, based on an appropriate application of its policies. If you are on the verge of signing up for an Office 365 account, you may want to ask your IT department for a list of approved user groups before you dive in.
The University’s e-mail system is built upon Microsoft’s ubiquitous Office 365 platform. The Office 365 portal features desktop versions of Microsoft Office and other Microsoft applications for desktop, mobile and tablet. Users can also access email via the aforementioned portal or a third party client like Gmail. There is also an email application available for Apple iOS devices, such as the iPhone and iPad. Users can also set up a global address list (GAM) that syncs with their Office 365 accounts. This is a relatively new feature and is a boon for those who travel frequently and need to sync their email accounts from a single source.
The true-green Microsoft Office 365 portal also features an integrated calendar which is an especially useful feature for faculty and staff who travel frequently. There are also various Microsoft perks available to students and faculty. The UConn campus has a robust network of computers and wireless networks for students and faculty, as well as campus wide wireless access, and the Office 365 portal is where it all comes together. The portal features a wide variety of useful features, as well as an easy-to-use user interface.