Are you an Oreo or a Potato chip lover? Do you prefer fruity snacks or salty ones? Which are healthier? Which are more popular? And which one best matches your personality and eating habits?
Snacks have a bit of a reputation. People view them as less healthy than full meals with veggies, so it’s easy to develop a negative association with the term. But I love all kinds of snacks! And they can be used in finding out what kind of person you are!
If you love….
Smoothies are a great snack for those who like to get up and go. These people are the life of the party, and they love to be surrounded by friends and family. They are always looking for ways to help others, whether through charity work or just helping a coworker with their workload. Smoothie lovers love being social and are usually very friendly and outgoing.
Cheese – You’re a bit of a snob.
The cheese lover is someone who likes to make sure they’re getting the best quality products possible. They are serious about their food and take great pride in their taste buds.
Popcorn – You’re adventurous and fun-loving but also very grounded.
While you enjoy taking risks, you don’t do so without being prepared. When it comes down to it, you’re very practical in your approach to life. You know what needs to be done, and you do it — no matter how boring or mundane those things may seem!
Pizza – You’re an energetic extrovert.
You’re always on the go and love spending time with friends. You are adventurous and spontaneous and love exploring new places. You are also a bit of a daredevil — so much so that you will try anything once (or twice). Your biggest fear is being bored, so you do everything in your power not to let that happen!
Nachos – You’re a social butterfly.
The nacho eater is a social butterfly who loves being around people. They like to talk about themselves and can be very charming.
Granola Bar – You’re laid-back and easygoing.
You tend to see things from a more relaxed perspective than most people do. This can sometimes make it difficult for others to relate to or understand where you’re coming from because they are too caught up in their day-to-day lives. When things don’t go as planned, it’s not something that bothers you too much — it just adds character!
Chips – You’re adventurous and brave.
You enjoy trying new things, which makes you an adventurous person! If you see something new, you will try it out without hesitation!
Caramel Corn – You’re sweet on the outside but driven on the inside.
You have a lot of energy and ambition, and it’s easy for people to see that in you. You are a leader who likes to take charge and get things done. If something is to be done, you’ll jump right in. You don’t like sitting around doing anything.
You have an adventurous spirit and love to try new things. You have a very positive attitude and are always ready to take on any challenge that comes your way!
Cheesecake – You don’t play by the rules and love being spontaneous.
You’re a free spirit and one of the unique people in the world. You’re known for your zany sense of humor and love for adventure. You have a great time wherever you go, whether on a camping trip or celebrating at a music festival. You never forget to bring your camera because you know that life isn’t worth living if it can’t be captured on film (or posted on the Instagram story!).
Sushi – You’re well-rounded and have lots of interests but don’t like to be tied down by one thing.
If you like sushi, you’re flexible and can go with the flow but still know what you want. You’re always up for something new but not afraid to return to your roots. You appreciate a good meal and enjoy eating out at nice restaurants but would rather spend time at home cooking than going out to eat.
Bagel – You’re loyal and trustworthy.
Bagel is a symbol of loyalty, honesty, trustworthiness, and dependability. Bagel people have a vivid imagination, but they don’t share it with others easily because they don’t want anyone else telling them how they should think or feel about things; they want the freedom of thinking independently without having others influence them too much or tell them what they should be doing or not doing. They prefer living in the moment, even if it means not thinking about the future!
Eating habits bring out our personalities because they are related to our subconscious. However, it’s important to note that these are only quick generalizations based on the data collected. Obviously, just because you eat a certain snack, it doesn’t mean that’s all there is to know about you; Nonetheless, it’s still interesting to figure out which snacks represent our personalities best.
Happy crunching!
About Bea
Bea is a copywriter specializing in adept research and creating all kinds of content. She’s all about getting creative, developing relationships, and contributing to making businesses succeed through her writing.
When she’s not writing (professionally), you can see her binge-watching RuPaul’s Drag Race or writing film reviews on Letterboxd.